We believe that the world around us is moving faster than ever. This means that our demands as consumers are also higher than before. So are our expectations of logistics. The development of e-commerce, the shorter shelf lives and a high level of innovation all increase the demand for seamless distribution, hence our focus on state-of-the-art distribution and consolidation. We provide services across Europe.
We accept individual orders and deliver complex projects that involve hundreds or thousands shipments and consignees. We provide services to manufacturing companies in the consolidation of their suppliers located in different regions across Europe and deliver their products to their numerous clients, whether corporate or individual.
Our operational capacity rests on cooperation with partners from all corners of Europe. We believe that a local operator best understands the local conditions, an essential element of modern logistics.
We have prepared a special tool to calculate the costs of groupage shipment for the customer. This universal tool can estimate the costs of shipments to different destinations.
We have many years’ experience in handling the transport of goods, providing both groupage shipments and single large shipments across Europe.
Transport of Groupage Shipments
Groupage shipping is a perfect solution for companies looking to minimize their inventory. Our solutions for specific industries make groupage shipments an attractive alternative to full-truck carriage. The demand for groupage transport alone is constantly on the rise and represents nearly 30 percent of the market. Our offer is addressed in particular to those companies which prefer smaller orders of goods, when uncertain about the volume of the demand. International groupage transport is also a way to transport specific batches of goods that need to be packed or transported in a specific and safe manner.

Nasza oferta
Naszym atutem jest sieć drobnicowa, która pozwala nam obsługiwać zlecenia na terenie całej Europy. Drobnica międzynarodowa jest tutaj transportowana na zasadzie współpracy z zagranicznymi partnerami, którzy doskonale znają specyfikę danego rynku, co pozwala nam znacznie przyśpieszyć i zdynamizować transport przesyłek drobnicowych. Nowoczesna organizacja transportu i nieustanne ulepszanie oferty pozwalają nam obsługiwać każdy rodzaj transportu. Od skomplikowanych w sensie projektowym, transportów, które złożone są z setek czy tysięcy pojedynczych przesyłek, po konkretne przewozy, adresowane do danego odbiorcy na terenie Europy. Dla wygody naszych klientów przygotowaliśmy specjalistyczne narzędzie w postaci kalkulatora spedycji drobnicowej. Pozwala to błyskawicznie obliczyć koszt przewozu każdej przesyłki i daje klientowi wiedzę co do kosztów danej usługi i czasu, jaki jest niezbędny, aby transport dotarł do zakładanego celu. Dzięki temu gwarantujemy pełen komfort dla samego klienta, który błyskawicznie jest w stanie ocenić, która z ofert i jaki rodzaj transportu będzie dla niego ekonomicznie najkorzystniejszy.

Our Offer
Our advantage is a groupage carriage network which allows us to deliver orders across Europe. We provide international groupage transport in cooperation with our foreign partners who know the ins and outs of their local markets, helping us to significantly speed up and streamline groupage shipments. State-of-the-art organization of transport services and continuous improvement of our offer allow us to handle any type of transport, from complex carriages comprising hundreds or thousands of individual shipments to specific transports to a given consignee in Europe. For the convenience of our customers, we have prepared a specialist tool - a groupage shipment calculator, which allows them to instantly calculate the cost of transport for each shipment and estimate the time framework needed to deliver the shipment to the required destination. With such a tool, the customer can immediately determine which offer and what type of transport is most advantageous economically.
Our partner market leaders include:
Italy: PNP
The PNP is a leading distribution system on the Italian market, with more than 100 partners in every part of Italy. Each partner maintains daily connections with the main hub situated in Bologna. As a partner in the system, FineLog also has regular connections with that hub. With such a structure, we can handle every groupage shipment from Poland to Italy and from Italy to Poland.
We can reach every corner of Italy in a regular, fast, efficient and cost-effective manner. As part of the PNP, we can handle a single carton of wine or a big shipment comprising eight Euro pallets equally well.
Germany, Benelux and the Nordic Countries: SIM CARGO
SIM CARGO is a distribution system operating in Germany and its neighbouring countries. The system was created in 2019 by the merger of the S.T.a.R. and ILN networks and has over 100 partners in Germany alone. The main hub is located in Homberg Efze, a town in the central part of the country. Just like with every system partner, we have regular connections between our hub in Słubice and the main hub of the system.
This allows us to handle shipments to/from any destination in an exceptionally short time. Star is a system devised primarily to handle groupage and oversize shipments.
Find out more at www.simcargo.eu.

Germany, Austria and Switzerland: ELVIS
ELVIS is a groundbreaking German transportation system, established in 2010 as the first network in Germany to focus on the transport of part-load shipments. All the other systems and networks operating in Germany have a maximum shipping limit of several pallets (5 up to 7 pallets). For ELVIS, the limit is 17 pallets.
The current ELVIS system operates from the main hub in Knullwald .
Find out more at www.elvis-ag.com
France: VoluPal
Volu Pal is a network of almost 100 local French freight forwarders and carriers operating throughout France. Volu Pal has 4 hubs in France. FineLog uses two of them - in Langres (Paris) and Mitry (Dijon), and can offer our customers deliveries to destinations in central and eastern France within 72 to 96 hours.
Find out more at www.volupal.com